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Understanding the Trap and How to Liberate Yourself


The Cognitive Emotive Loop: Understanding the Trap and How to Liberate Yourself

What is a Cognitive Emotive Loop?

A cognitive-emotive loop is a cycle where our thoughts and beliefs generate emotions that reinforce our perceptions, creating a self-perpetuating cycle that keeps us stuck. This loop drains our energy and hinders progress. Even conscious leaders aren’t immune to it, but the difference is their commitment to breaking free.

Theresa: A Real-World Illustration

Cognitive/Thought: “I’m not appreciated or compensated fairly for my contributions.” This thought echoes most loudly during her annual review, but it surfaces regularly throughout the year.

Emotive/Feeling: Anger, which has hardened over time into resentment and a sense of entitlement.

Theresa thinks, “I’m not appreciated or compensated fairly.” She feels anger. Her body responds with a racing heart, tightening jaw, and heat rising in her chest. Instead of letting the feeling move through, she channels this energy back into her belief that she’s right about being undervalued. She finds evidence to support this belief, which fuels her anger further, intensifying the physical sensations. The cycle continues as Theresa doesn’t allow the feeling to fully process but instead deepens her conviction that she’s been financially mistreated. She compares herself to others she perceives as less deserving. Her anger escalates toward rage, and she begins to fantasize about confronting her boss and leaving her job dramatically.

How to Break Free

Breaking free from the cognitive-emotive loop requires two essential practices: fully feeling emotions and questioning thoughts. Here’s how:

Notice the Loop through Self-Awareness

Start by identifying your recurring loops. When they arise, simply acknowledge them: “Ah, there it is.”

Accept Yourself in the Loop

Adding self-judgment only strengthens the loop. After awareness comes acceptance. Take a deep breath and say, “Oh, there’s my pattern again. This is just me being me.”

Choose to Interrupt the Pattern

It’s a choice. Stepping into a new way of being requires radical responsibility, a cornerstone of conscious leadership.

Stay with the Body to Break the Loop

Emotions are sensations in the body. To fully process a feeling, stay connected to these sensations without fueling them with more thoughts. Focus on the physical experience until it subsides.

When Theresa thinks, “I’m not appreciated or compensated fairly,” followed by anger and physical sensations like tightness and heat, she can choose not to let her mind spiral into proving her belief. Instead, she can focus on her body’s sensations—perhaps resting her awareness on the heat in her chest or the tension in her jaw. Simply notice these sensations without trying to change them. Welcome them, and observe as they begin to dissipate. If the sensations are intense, Theresa might choose to move (like stomping her feet) or make a sound that matches her feeling. The key is to stay present with the body until the feeling has fully passed.

Once the body has released the emotional energy, it’s time to question the thought. Approach this with curiosity rather than a need to be right. Explore how the opposite of your thought might be as true or truer.

Theresa’s core belief is that her boss and company should value her more. She meditates on these questions:

Is it true that they should value me more?

Can I know for certain that they should value me more?

When I believe that thought, how do I react?

If I couldn’t ever believe that thought, who would I be?

Then, she explores the “turnarounds” and finds evidence for the opposites:

My boss and my company value me.

I should value myself more.

I should value my boss and my company more.

If Theresa sincerely engages in this inquiry, she will begin to unravel her thought patterns, breaking the cognitive-emotive loop. While it may take several attempts, each time she chooses to feel the feeling and question the thought, she moves closer to freedom from this cycle. And the same freedom is possible for you.



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