Fill your cup and ignite your heart
You are the magic; you always have been, and you always will be. Join us as we embark on this transformative exploration of the soul. Together, let's embrace the journey and the magic that lies within.
Session Start date - End date
01 Aug 2023, 10:30
Think Silver Studio, 3 Bright St, Audas Estate, Cape Town, 7130, South Africa
About the event
A second 6 week Qi Gong series taught by Lesley-Ann Green, following on from the first series taught in June/July. Suitable for all healers, martial artists, yogis and anyone interested in a vital relationship to energy and life. Powerful tools to navigate here and now and the state of flux we exist in. For those continuing on from the first series, a deepening into the practice. For new students, an invitation to explore the world of internal cultivation and qi. How to integrate a practice into daily life.
Lesley has been teaching for over 13 years. The Internal Arts are her passion. During the series students will learn:
● Alignment and posture
● Simple mindfulness and meditation for inner stillness
● Exploring the qi phenomenon
● Movement and letting the qi flow
● Observing the qi
● The 3 treasures of internal cultivation
Tuesday mornings 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th August and 1st September 2023.
7.30am - 9am
R 2000 for the series. R 1750 for Think Silver clients.
Banking details Absa Cheque 4065243766, L A Green.
Your name and Qi Gong as reference.
All sessions to be attended. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a meditation cushion and blanket. Notes will be provided.
On completion of the series an organic, gluten free vegetarian meal will be shared. From GOK Kitchen. Date and time to be confirmed with students.
Fill your Cup Ticket
R 2 000,00Sale endedThink Silver Studio Members
R 1 750,00Sale ended
R 0,00